Coffee Insights


Learn new techniques and recipes to enjoy a very refreshing coffee!

Iced coffee is very common in these warm days of the year. Nobody wants to give up the pleasure of having a coffee when they feel like it and that’s why we cool it down. But to get it right we have to take into account certain important aspects, and that is why today we bring you some tips and ideas so that you can better enjoy a very refreshing coffee!

  1. Whenever you can, drink it in a small glass. The larger the glass, the longer the ice will have to melt and water the coffee.
  2. Try to get the ice out of the freezer just before putting it in the coffee, to avoid that it is already defrosting and with the heat of the coffee it melts even faster.
  3. Remember to mix the sugar before putting the ice, otherwise the sugar will not dissolve.
  4. One trick to keep your coffee from leaking is to replace traditional water ice cubes with coffee ice cubes. Thus, as they melt we have more coffee and avoid the watery taste.

If these ideas have awakened you to a good cold coffee, don’t worry! Today we also bring some simple recipes so that you can prepare other cold coffee elaborations beyond the traditional ice coffee.

We hope you enjoy them and we wish you are having a very happy and refreshing summer!  

Cafés Novell Team

Coffee of the time or Valencian

This is a very simple recipe, but it also represents a different way of drinking iced coffee. Behind this recipe there is a long history that ends with the claim of the origin of this recipe by many countries. It consists in preparing a traditional iced coffee and adding a small slice of lemon to it. This adds a more refreshing flavor and a citrus touch to the coffee. Delicious!


The Shakeratto recipe is also very simple to prepare and results in a different and creamier coffee. To prepare the Shakeratto we have to mix in an cocktail shaker (or in a container that allows us to stir) an espresso coffee, 3 ice cubes, 1 teaspoon of sugar and about 50 ml of water. Shake or mix well until an emulsion is created on top and serve it in a large glass. We can also garnish it with a little lemon peel, which will again give it a citrus and refreshing touch.


Affogato is a very sweet and refreshing type of coffee, perfect for snacks or desserts, since it is normally accompanied by vanilla ice cream. To prepare it, we have to make a long espresso in a glass and add a scoop of vanilla ice cream inside. The pleasure of drinking the ice cream and savoring the coffee in the background is incredible, but drinking the coffee once the ice cream is finished and noticing the taste of vanilla is even better!

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