The Perfect Coffee


Have you ever tried a filter coffee made with a Hario V60? This coffee making method was created by the Japanese company Hario, specialized in high hardness glass products. Through their scientific knowledge, they developed this extraction method based on a cone with an angle of 60º and made with glass or porcelain materials.

Over the years, it has become an emblematic method of preparing coffee and one of the most preferred in Barista competitions. It allows us to obtain a light-bodied cup, but in which all the nuances of coffee are enhanced and amplified.

Today we bring you some simple steps so you can prepare it at home. Enjoy this slow-coffee cup!


How to make the perfect coffee with a Hario V60

1) Place the filter by molding it to the cone of your V60. Clean it with water at 92ºC to remove impurities and, once the water is filtered, discard it.

2) The ratio of coffee and water must be 1 gr of coffee for every 16 gr of water. Therefore, for 500 gr of water we will use 31 gr of ground coffee, at a medium grinding degree.

3) Add the ground coffee to the filter and spread it evenly. Start the stopwatch and add about 100 g of water at 93-94 ° C, moistening all the coffee. Wait 40-45 seconds and stir with a spoon to ensure all the coffee is well moist.

4) Add a fifth part of the total water approximately every 30 seconds.

5) When all the water has finished filtering and the dripping is slow, we can serve the coffee.


Find the perfect variety in our eShop

The Più Aroma variety presents a blend of washed and natural Arabica coffees, perfect for to make coffee with a Hario V60.

With 100% organic coffee and compostable packaging, the pleasure of enjoying coffee has never been so responsible!


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