Novell Atelier

Novell Atelier immerses you in the fascinating history of our origins:

A small workshop where coffee roasting was pure craftsmanship.

With more than half a century of experience, we have created this exclusive selection of coffees to pay tribute to our traditions and roots, recovering the enthusiasm and affection of the first times.

From the small workshop to the cup, in coffee beans that simply explain what we want to be.

A range created by our expert QGrader
to offer a professional tasting experience in each preparation:


Djimmah (Ethiopia) + Kerala (India).

There are two main origins of this blend. On the one hand, a natural Arabica coffee from the region of Djimmah, in Ethiopia, which gives body and consistency to the cup. On the other hand, a natural Robusta from Kerala, in the southwest of India, which gives strength and a touch of bitterness.


We highlight notes of green tea and chamomile, with touches of toasted bread and dried fruits. We appreciate a background of cedar and licorice, in a round cup, with light acidity and unctuous body.


Blend created for those looking for an intense cup of coffee, and especially for those who drink coffee combined with milk.

Designed to drink espresso or Italian Mocha preparations.



Cajamarca (Peru) + Djimmah (Ethiopia) + Tamil Nadu (Índia).

One of our most classic blends: the perfect mix of origins and roasting point to enjoy a great espresso. Blend of natural Arabica, washed Arabica and Robusta coffees, from the three coffee continents: America, Africa and Asia, which come together to offer an intense and harmonious cup. 


We appreciate notes of flan caramel and black tea, with tones of pure cocoa and a background of black licorice. The slight acidity and devilish body define this cup with a short and bitter finish.


Blend specially designed to be taken in high-pressure espresso preparations, with traditional arm or super-automatic coffee makers. We recommended to enjoy it alone or with milk, thanks to its persistence in the mouth.



Cajamarca (Peru) + Guji (Ethiopia).

In the Cajamarca district, in northern Peru, we buy this organic washed Arabica coffee, grown at almost 2000m altitude. It is a smooth and balanced coffee, grown by a local community organized as a cooperative that relies mainly on coffee exports. We combine it with a natural organic coffee from the Guji area, where the ancestral practices of generations dedicated to coffee cultivation are still followed. 


We find notes of honey and cookie, along with tones of vanilla and caramelized milk chocolate. A background of black currant and cloves. Its honeyed acidity and creamy body lead us to a sweet and long finish.


Blend specially designed to be taken in filter preparations, such as Chemex, Melitta or V60, to be able to taste all its nuances.



Caldas (Colombia).

Finca La Guamera is located in Villamaría, in the Department of Caldas, in the center of the famous and most important coffee region in Colombia. In the Caldas area the predominant variety of coffee tree is Caturra.

For more than 35 years, the Muñoz family has managed the farm under the Compañía Cafetera La Mestesa S.A. and produces smooth, quality coffees, nuanced with the rich flavors and aromas provided by the Colombian mountains.

The family gives special importance to the personal development and well-being of the people who work in their community. In addition to having official responsible cultivation certifications, they also offer training to all their collaborators and employees in relation to crop management, the safe use of agrochemicals and the proper cultivation of food.


Notes of almonds, honey and lemon predominate, along with tones of vanilla and caramelized milk chocolate and a pleasant background of black currant. A cup of honeyed acidity and creamy body that invites us to enjoy a sweet and long finish.



Yirgacheffe (Ethiopia).

Ethiopia is the birthplace of coffee, and there are documents from the year 900 that already refer to its use as a drink.

Ethiopia is the fifth country in the world in terms of coffee production (although it may vary depending on the vintage), but it is undoubtedly one of the benchmarks if we talk about quality. 98% of the producers are family farms of less than 2 hectares, which deliver the cherries to the washing stations that process the coffee in groups.

This coffee comes from three washing stations located in the south of the country, halfway between the Yirgacheffe and Guji regions, both areas well known in the country for their high quality coffees. The most common variety is the Ethiopian Heirloom, which is a hybrid between the native Typica varieties. The harvest begins in October until the month of June


We find characteristic notes of stone fruits and sweet citrus, mandarin and jasmine tea. With tones of fresh butter and toffee, and a background of cilantro. Its bright acidity and creamy body converge in an elegant and persistent cup.


Discover how to prepare your favourite cup of Novell Atelier:


The moka pot is an instantly recognizable symbol of Italian coffee culture, being arguably the most common method of brewing coffee. Its iconic design and ease of use have made it a staple in most kitchens.

How to prepare the perfect cup with a Moka pot?

1) It is always advisable to grind the coffee immediately to a medium-coarse point. If you don’t have a grinder, you can also find all our varieties in ground coffee format.

2) Fill the bottom of the Moka with cold water up to the safety valve.

3) Place the coffee in the Moka pot and level without pressing.

4) Screw the two parts of the coffee maker together and boil it on low heat.

5) When you see the coffee coming out and reaching halfway, remove the coffee maker from the heat. This is how we extract the noblest parts of the coffee.

6) Stir well before serving, and it is ready to enjoy!


Considered a cult object in the world of coffee, the visual elegance and functionality of Chemex coffee machines combine to produce an exquisite filter coffee with which to extract the noblest nuances of each cup in just 5 minutes.

How to prepare the perfect cup with a Chemex?

1) Place the filter on the coffee maker and clean it with water at 92ºC to remove impurities. Once clean, discard the water.

2) Add the ground coffee to the filter and distribute it evenly.

3) Pour water slowly into the center of the filter, making small circles to moisten all the coffee but trying not to flood it at any time.

4) Wait about 20 seconds for the water from the previous step to filter and then add water again, this time making larger circles. Add water until you reach about two centimeters from the edge of the filter.

5) Use a spoon to stir the coffee and prevent it from clogging the filter.

6) When the dripping stops, you can remove the filter, and the coffee will be ready to serve!


Home espresso machines allow us to enjoy an almost professional coffee experience: your coffee from the bar, at home. Whether brewed with a super-automatic or espresso machine, the process is simple and results in an intense and creamy cup. 

How to prepare the perfect cup with a domestic Espresso machine?

1) First, turn on the machine and remove the filter holder or group arm, cleaning any remains from previous extractions.

2) Fill it with 8 or 9 gr. of ground coffee per cup.

3) Lightly press the coffee with the tamper that comes with the coffee maker. Depending on the strength used, the coffee will come out more or less concentrated.

4) Before putting the arm back on the group, let a little water run through to finish heating this part of the machine and, then, you can start it and make the coffee. The fall must be fluid and constant and it is important that it does not exceed 30 seconds.

And… enjoy!


An emblematic method of coffee preparation and one of the most preferred in Barista competitions. Hario V60 allows you to obtain a cup with a light body, but in which all the nuances of the coffee are enhanced and amplified.

How to prepare the perfect cup with a Hario V60?

1) Place the filter, molding it to the cone of your V60. Clean it with water at 92ºC to eliminate impurities and, once the water is filtered, discard it.

2) The proportion of coffee and water must be 1 gram of coffee for every 16 grams of water. Therefore, for 500 g of water we will use 31 g of ground coffee, at a medium grinding level.

3) Add the ground coffee to the filter and distribute it evenly. Start the timer and add around 100 g of water at 93-94°C, moistening all the coffee. Wait 40-45 seconds and stir with a spoon to ensure that all the coffee is very moist.

4) Add a fifth of the total water approximately every 30 seconds.

5) When all the water has finished filtering and the dripping has stopped, we can serve the coffee. 


Patented in 1908 by Amalie Auguste Melitta Benz, this coffee maker changed the way coffee was made definitively. Its extraction results in a less bitter cup in which a wide range of nuances stand out.

How to prepare the perfect cup with a Melitta?

1) Place the filter on the jug and clean it with water at 92ºC to remove impurities. Once clean, discard the water.

2) Add the ground coffee to the filter and distribute it evenly.

3) Pour boiling water into the center of the filter in a circular motion, until the coffee is saturated, making sure not to flood it at any time.

4) Wait about 30 seconds for the water from the previous step to filter and then add water again, this time making larger circles. The slower you pour the water, the more intense your final cup will be.

5) When the dripping stops, remove the jug and your coffee is ready to serve!

La tienda solo está disponible para España.